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WASTE IS MORE CopenHill – is now officially opened

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Amager Bakke is the most modern environmentally friendly waste-to-energy plant, with a ski hill on its roof. In spring 2020, A+O will release the Book “WASTE IS MORE” with the story about Amager Bakke, designed by BIG.
The idea of integrating recreation in an industrial plant of this scale has never been attempted before, representing the best of innovative Danish architecture, urban planning and landscape design.

“To me CopenHill is a perfect example of the world changing power of architecture. That we have the power to give form to the future that we want to live in. My son turns one next month – he won’t ever remember that there was a time when you couldn’t ski on the roof of the power plant – or climb its facades. He will take that for granted – and so will his entire generation. Clean energy and skiable power plants is going be the baseline of their imagination –the platform from which they will leap and propose new and wild ideas for their future. Standing at the peak of this humanmade mountain that we have spent the last decade creating – makes me curious and excited to see what ideas this summit may spark in the minds of future generations.” Bjarke Ingels.

Stay tuned

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